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Facts You Have To Know About Corrosion Control & Protection[edit]

Protective Coatings

Anti corrosive pigments are:-

a) Red Lead

b) Zinc Chromate

c) Zinc Phosphate

d) Zinc Dust

Preventing corrosion involve minimizing the flow of corrosion current in order that if negligible current, negligible corrosion result. Resins with highest electrical resistance are, catalyzed epoxy, phenol, vinyl and chlorinated rubber. Inclusion of pigments including talc, china clay, mica and iron oxide also aid in helping the resistance.

The removing of soluble deposits on the steel surface is important his or her presence will short circuit the resistance in the paint film to stage where rusting may appear. The thicker the coating the bigger will be the electrical resistance. Coatings limit the access of oxygen, water and salts and therefore control corrosion in this manner by way of a purely barrier effect. Catalyzed epoxies, coal tar epoxies, polyurethane, vinyl's and chlorinated rubber coatings contain the lowest permeability to water and oxygen.

Alkyd and oil based coatings tend to be permeable to corrosive agents than high end coatings specified to be sure all corrosive substances are taken off the steel surface and maximum adhesion is achieved involving the coating and steel. The coatings chosen or specified ought to be conducive to the surroundings, characteristic and purpose the substrate is subjected.

For purpose to prevent and resist causes by:-

a) Chemical spillage

b) Chemical fumes

c) Temperature

d) Skid resistance

e) Abrasive resistance

f) Oil resistance

g) Fire resistant

Varieties of Coatings

Normally coatings are called conventional coating systems or top rated systems. The decision on the coating to be used rely on the cost and budget one have along with the expected life or duration of the coatings as well as the required function of the coatings, with either the security, decoration or coding purposes, etc.

For coding and ornamental purposes, conventional systems are often recommended but for protection purposes, top rated systems are recommended. Conventional coatings are often one pack product whilst powerful coatings can be found in two packs. Single pack product are usually air drying, two pack products normally cure by chemical reaction around the base through the catalyst or hardener.

For the most powerful results, it's always best to consult the manufacturers who're specialised in manufacturing certain array of coatings. Many are specialised in decorative coatings for houses, or protective coatings for industrial purposes or marine coatings vessels and ships or automotive coatings for vehicles or special coatings for appliances or air crafts. Visit the right manufacturer for the best kind of coatings needed.

Sort of Application

Application is possible by brush, roller, conventional spray or airless spray. Brush and roller are used where condition will not allow air or airless spray. Not good for high build coatings or achieve high film thickness. Slow in process and coverage is around 180m2 to 380m2 per man day. Conventional spray is suitable for decorative and coding as only thin film can be carried out.

For cover purposes, airless spray is usually recommended and is also the quickest technique of application. Covers 750m2 to 1100m2 per man day. Control over application is by tip size and input and output pressure. Bring most paint types which enable it to achieve high film thickness.

Application Condition

Paint mustn't be used in adverse conditions, like temperature below 5 degrees C and not above 35 degrees C. Not in a windy condition or when surfaces are wet due to rain, snow, ice, fog or condensation. Allow painting only once surface climate is 3 degrees C higher than the dew point.

Paint Mixing

Every new tin of paint opened should be mixed thoroughly having a stirrer to disperse the solids. By 50 % pack products, to ensure that the bottom and hardener can chemically react together and cure, always employ a mechanical mixer. Always mix base and hardener within the correct ratio.

Paint Thinning

Use thinners only once necessary. Utilize the correct thinner for that product. Avoid more than 5% by volume of thinners. Too much use can cause solvent entrapment, runs, sags, slumping, retard cure and affect wet film thickness and dry film thickness ratio.

Pot Life

All two pack products use a pot life. That's time period between mixing and curing if the paint is workable and could be applied. Pot life's temperature related. Never mix more than may be used before pot life expires. Exceeding pot life will waste paint and definately will block up airless spray equipment.

Airless Spray Procedures

Check tip size and output pressure. Hold spray gun 30 cm to 45 cm through the surface. spray gun to become parallel to surface 90 degrees from it. Horizontal pass 50 cm to l meter. Overlap previous overlook 50% whenever possible to make certain even film thickness. Trigger to be removed at the end of each pass. Cross hatching appropriate for even film thickness.

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